Tom Crowther also took part in the global launch of Countdown, a new initiative to accelerate solutions to the climate crisis. In this virtual event hosted by TED, you can watch five curated sessions packed with more than 50 speakers, activists, actors and musicians, who share actionable and science-backed ideas, paired with moments of wonder, inspiration and optimism. Watch the video here
Our partner, the Rewilding Argentina Foundation, has an impressive trackrecord in restoring ecosystems by reintroducing species wiped out by human activity. Bringing back the top predator to Argentina’s wetlands could restore the health of an entire ecosystem. The New York Times tells their story in copy and gorgeous photos. Take me there
A lot changed for the world's forests over the 2010s, but much remains to be done. WRI's forest experts reflect on 10 major changes for forests from the last decade, and what we should expect in 2020 and beyond. Read further
There is still hope for the preservation of animal and plant species that are quickly disappearing by the hands of humans. This is the conclusion of the international research institute IIASA in collaboration with, among others, Wageningen Environmental Research (in Dutch). Read further
Resource Watch is working on a series of blog posts with Crowther Lab. The objective is to explain to a broader audience what both organizations do and how they complement each other. To make this more concrete they will also resort to describing how their work is applied in current programs on the ground. Read here.
A new report reveals that mining operations in the Amazon basin now cover more than 20% of Indigenous lands, threatening hundreds of Indigenous communities and endangering critical ecosystems across 450,000 square kilometers. This new paper from the World Resources Institute and the Amazon Geo-Referenced Socio-Environmental Information Network (RAISG) details for the first time the full extent of large-scale mining concessions and illegal mining on Indigenous territories across the Amazonian rainforest, and offers solutions. To read more or download the report, click here