

GO magazine is a publication of DOB Ecology

Editorial office

Maas Goote, Marlies Quirino, Barbara Brian, Maarten de Coninck

Concept & Design

Special thanks to

Birgitte Laarakker, Pablo Basso, Scott Stone, Rosa Diemont, Masja Helmer, Simeon Max, Luami Zondagh, Mark Plotkin, Luís Paolo Ferraz and all others who helped us creating this magazine.

DOB Ecology

IJsseldijk 1 8194 LA Veessen The Netherlands


Cover & Welcome

Maarten de Coninck

Empowering communities to regreen their Sahel

All photo’s courtesy of Both ENDS

Current issues at a glance


Best of both worlds

movie i-Stock

Photocredits Form international & Form Ghana : Rutger de Wolf Christine Naaijer Melle Meivogel Rosa Diemont

The future of the rainforest

Book i-Stock compilation

All other photo's courtesy of ACT

Canary in a coal mine

Maarten de Coninck i-Stock

Bridge construction 3D rendering: imagens-intertv

Photo's bridges over time: Luiz Thiago de Jesus & Luís Paulo Ferraz

Partner engagement

Laptops editing in i-Stock

All other photo's courtesy of Gouritz Cluster Biosphere Reserve: Hans van der Veen

Partner in the news


Into the rainforest of Suriname

Maas Goote & courtesy of ACT